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7 hidden dangers behind cat obesity

🐾 Xiao Ai’s kind reminder: 7 hidden dangers behind cat obesity

Hello, cat lovers! I’m Xiao Ai, and today I want to talk to you about a topic that may be overlooked but is very important - cat obesity. According to the latest research, more than 60% of domestic cats are overweight, and the impact of obesity on cats’ health is not a trivial matter!

1. Increased risk of diabetes

Obesity in cats may lead to a weakened response to insulin in the body, which can lead to elevated blood sugar and urine sugar levels, also known as diabetes. If your cat's appetite increases but he or she is getting thinner, beware!

2. Arthritis pain

Overweight cats can put extra stress on their joints, leading to arthritis, which can make movement difficult and even painful and uncomfortable.

3. Increased anesthesia risk

Obesity puts a strain on a cat's heart and respiratory system, which can increase the risk of anesthesia if surgery is needed. Obese cats may need additional respiratory support and may also take longer to recover.

4. Fatty liver crisis

When a cat's food intake suddenly decreases, the obese cat's body may not be able to properly process the fat, causing fat to accumulate in the liver and form fatty liver. This will affect the normal function of the liver and may lead to serious health problems.

5. Urinary system diseases

Obese cats are more likely to suffer from urinary tract diseases, such as cystitis, urinary tract infections or stones. These problems may make it difficult for cats to urinate or even cause blood in the urine.

6. Constipation

Due to reduced activity, obese cats may suffer from constipation. Not only is this uncomfortable for your cat, it can also lead to intestinal problems.

7. Shortened lifespan

Finally, and sadly, obesity can shorten a cat's lifespan. Health problems and reduced mobility can affect a cat's quality of life on a daily basis, sometimes leading owners to consider euthanasia as a last resort.

📚 Conclusion: If you love it, you must help it stay healthy

Cat obesity is not a trivial matter. As responsible cat owners, we need to help them maintain a healthy weight. Proper diet, regular exercise, and regular weight checks are essential. If you are worried that your cat may be overweight, remember to take it to a veterinarian for professional advice and help.

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