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Cat Dental Cleaning: Is It Necessary? (Veterinarian-Approved Recommendations)

Although more and more people are talking about dog dental care, there is still a misunderstanding about whether cats need their teeth cleaned. In fact, cats also need dental cleaning, not only do they need their owners to brush their teeth, but they also need to be taken to the veterinarian regularly for professional dental cleaning!

Here, we explain why you need to brush your cat's teeth and how often you should do it.

Why Cats Need Dental Care

There is a common misconception that cats do not need dental care. However, this is false. Cats need dental care just like dogs, otherwise they can develop serious health problems including gingivitis, periodontal disease, abscesses, and even effects on the heart, kidneys, and liver!

The good news is that providing dental care for your cat doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Maintaining your cat’s oral hygiene can prevent future problems, saving you money and your cat a ton of pain!

How Often Should You Brush Your Cat's Teeth?

Most veterinarians recommend annual dental checkups for your cat, and they also recommend brushing your cat's teeth two to three times a week to prevent problems. While brushing that many times may seem excessive at first, it makes sense when you think about how many times you brush your own teeth each day.

Your cat may not be human, but bacteria and plaque will start growing on their teeth after every meal!

What should you use to brush your cat's teeth?

While your veterinarian can recommend products for you to use, this doesn't mean you have to go to the veterinarian every time you need cat toothpaste. There are many products on the market that are completely safe for your cat. Just make sure you use products designed specifically for cats, including a dedicated cat toothbrush!

Using products designed specifically for cats ensures that your cat gets what they need and that everything is completely safe. So, while you may spend a little more, it’s totally worth it.

Of course, if you have any questions about which products you should or should not use, you can always contact your cat's veterinarian to see if you are using the best options.

Solving common misconceptions

While you need to maintain your cat's oral hygiene to keep them healthy, there are some other misconceptions we want to address. You may think you know all you need to know about cat dental health by now, but these misconceptions could be leading you astray.

Dry food does not help

Many cat owners think that because they feed dry food, they don't need to brush their cats' teeth. But this idea is completely wrong. The friction provided by dry food when cats eat is far from enough to clean their teeth, so whether they feed wet food or dry food, it doesn't make much difference to their cats' oral health.

You may not know if your cat needs dental care

You might think that if you just watch your cat closely, you'll know when he needs dental treatment. The truth is, cats are great at hiding pain. So, you might think your cat is fine, but he could be in pain every time he eats!

That's why it's important to brush your cat's teeth every few days to prevent problems, and to take them to the veterinarian to check for potential problems. They will be able to tell you if your cat needs dental treatment through a visual exam.

Don't be overly anxious about the checkups. If your cat's teeth are fine, these checkups shouldn't be expensive.

Brush for your cat

Teeth are easy

Although your cat may not like you brushing their teeth the first time, they will get used to it and may even start to like it! Use a toothpaste with a flavor that your cat likes, but remember that if your cat does need dental treatment, brushing their teeth may be painful for them.

So before you start a brushing routine, make sure your cat doesn't need any dental treatment. Otherwise, your cat may start to associate brushing with pain. Once your cat starts enjoying their brushing time, this can be a great opportunity for you to build a bond with your cat!


Just like you need to keep your oral hygiene in check by brushing your teeth, your cat's teeth need attention too! The good news is, it's not expensive or difficult, and can save you veterinary bills later!

So, what are you waiting for? Start your cat's oral care routine today.

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